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Series 117, 100 MPa

  • Compact design
  • Unique sealing design
  • Non-drip on connection and disconnection
  • Dust caps included as standard


Series 117 is a sister coupling to Series 115 and is used alongside it in applications where the systems must not, under any circumstances, be interconnected. The series offer the same performance and qualities, but cannot be connected with one another, which makes them an unbeatable combination for rescue tools, etc. All exposed components are made of zinc-plated steel. Plastic dust caps are standard on both coupling and nipple.

More tools are featured in tool catalog.

Technical data:

CouplingsPart No.RemarkConnectionLengthDiameterHexagonRec. torque (Nm)Rec. seal. method
Female thread10 117 1202G 1/4”61.3282440-50CMS*
10 117 14043/8” NPT60.3282470-80
Male thread10 117 1254G 3/8”60.8282470-80T3*
10 117 14543/8” NPT62.3282470-80
NipplesPart No.RemarkConnectionLengthDiameterHexagonRec. torque (Nm)Rec. seal. method
Female thread10 117 6202G 1/4”3825.42240-50CMS*
10 117 64043/8” NPT3727.72440-50
AdaptersPart No.RemarkConnectionLengthDiameterHexagonRec. torque (Nm)Rec. seal. method
Swivel connection19 950 1650 Adaptor with integrated swivelG 1/4”4450.52240-50CMS*