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Series 140, 400 MPa

Series 140 is a CEJN original quick connect coupling designed for hydraulic applications with working pressures up to 400 MPa. Recommended for bearing pullers, splitters, bolt tensioning applications, hydraulic test installations and extreme mining applications. This coupling withstands pressures up to 400 MPa while disconnected and the nipple 300MPa while disconnected.

Series 140 features a non-drip design and safety ring to prevent accidental disconnection. As part of the CEJN commitment to safety and quality, each coupling and nipple are pressure tested (up to full working pressure) before delivery. To prevent dust or other small particles from entering the valve and damaging it, anodized aluminum dust caps are standard on both the coupling and nipple.

Applications:Transport (removing steel wheels from axles on train locomotives and rollingstock), mining (rock-face cracking). CEJN Series 140 quick disconnect makes it possible to connect pumps, tools and accessories faster, safer and more conveniently, so that industrial applications can take advantage of 400MPa in their particular niche.

More tools are featured in tool catalog.

Technical data:

COUPLINGSPart No.ConnectionLengthDiameterHexagonMax rec. press. cyclesRec. torque (Nm)Rec. seal. method
Female thread with 60° sealing cone10 140 1505M16x1.568.53426500040-5060° cone
Male thread with 60° sealing cone10 140 17089/16″-18 UNF68.53424500040-5060° cone
NIPPLEPart No.ConnectionLengthDiameterHexagonMax rec. press. cyclesRec. torque (Nm)Rec. seal. method
Female thread with 60° sealing cone10 140 6506M16x1.55825221000/500040-5060° cone
Male thread with 60° sealing cone10 140 67089/16″-18 UNF5825221000/500040-5060° cone