Pneumacon: a trusted partner for machine and supply delivery for Eino Korhonen Oy
Recently, Pneumacon delivered screwdriving equipment for contract-based manufacturing specialist Eino Korhonen OY, for their EKOY Elektroonika factory in Estonia. This was Eino Korhonen Oy’s largest ever investment in automation.
From delivery of supplies to implementation of automatic screwdriving
Eino Korhonen Oy was found in Porvoo, Finland, in 1978 for taking care of product entities and for contract-based manufacturing of plastic and metal products. The company’s subsidiary, OÜ EKOY Elektroonika, which specializes in assembly work, has operated in Estonia since 2005.
– We have two offices, one in Porvoo and one Ristiharju, Estonia. Our company’s main field of business is contract-based manufacturing, and we concentrate on electric engineering products and the related parts. In Porvoo, the focus is on injection molding and the manufacture of metal parts, says Antti Heikkilä, the technical manager of Eino Korhonen Oy.
– We have focused our manual assembly work processes to our Estonia factory. We have 40 employees working in Porvoo and 110 in Estonia.
The history of co-operation between Pneumacon and Eino Korhonen Oy extends back 10 years.
“The history of co-operation between Pneumacon and Eino Korhonen Oy extends back 10 years.”
– Our cooperation began with a hose reels and pneumatic product delivery to the Porvoo factory. That is how we became aware of Pneumacon. This co-operation also made it easy for us to consider Pneumacon’s screwdriving solutions for increasing efficiency at our Estonian factory”, Heikkilä says.
– Initially, the procurement only concentrated on pneumatically operated screwdrivers. Currently, the company uses Deprag’s electric screwdrivers and, to a degree, screwdriving automations. The latest Deprag equipment came to the Estonian factory in June, a part of our largest ever investment in automation.
Quick help from experts in screwdriving automation and hydraulics
Key factor in Eino Korhonen Oy’s excellent customer relationship with Pneumacon are effective communications. In addition to their great willingness to provide service, Heikkilä mentions Pneumacon’s excellent price-quality ratio.
– Prices meet quality in Pneumacon products. The delivery times have been good, and so has the product supply.
– Pneumacon has been good partner to work with. We are always able to honestly discuss matters with them and, should something be a problem, we can tell them about it. They are easily approachable, and they always have extended an invitation for me to visit them personally, Heikkilä says.
– One year ago, we started the most extensive estate-related expansion of our history at Porvoo. At the start of this project, I asked if Pneumacon had any interest in delivering equipment there. We then visited them to see how the implementation could go ahead.
– Good communication with Pneumacon naturally also makes our own operations easier. Their quick reactions to communication make the process advance fast, Heikkilä adds.
– Whenever something’s not within my own sphere of expertise, I prefer to ask for help, and Pneumacon’s services have always been excellent. Just one call, and they are ready to oversee everything that’s needed.
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