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CEJN’s Quick Couplings Are World Quality – Our Sales Manager Gives 5 Reasons Why

Pneumacon’s Sales Manager Tony Redfern specialises in quick couplings, compressed air and hydraulics. In particular, Tony knows the couplings of the Swedish company CEJN, which he has been selling for nearly twenty years, since the spring of 2003.

“When it comes to quality products, supply feeds demand, and CEJN’s market share has been steadily growing,” says Tony. Here, Tony lists five good reasons why CEJN’s pneumatic couplings and hydraulic couplings are a particularly sound investment for professionals and industry.

CEJN’s product range includes quality couplings for many demanding purposes of use.

1. CEJN’s Couplings Are More Pressure-resistant Than the Competitors’

“When the work is challenging and the pressure in the hydraulics system is going up, a 200 bar pressure resistance is no longer enough. For instance, CEJN’s flat-face quick couplings that are compliant with the ISO standard can in principle handle 400 bar or, in smaller size categories, up to 700 bar. That makes them suitable for any application.”

“For example, working on the seabed or chiselling rock requires a lot of couplings, requirements which CEJN’s couplings can meet.”

2. Quality of Steel Ensures Durability

“One of our customers had been comparing the couplings of different manufacturers and reached the conclusion that, when it comes to CEJN, both the quality and hardening of the steel meant that, from then on, they would only be buying CEJN’s couplings.”

“Thanks to the quality of steel, CEJN’s couplings are highly resistant to pulsating pressures, pressure spikes and pressure shocks. Because end clients carefully control their quality, component manufacturers must also produce high and consistent quality.”

3. CEJN’s Couplings are Thoroughly Hardened

“There are manufacturers who only harden the critical points in their couplings, but CEJN’s couplings are thoroughly hardened. It is a painstaking method but, once again, it speaks of uncompromising quality. The way the steel is hardened, you can’t leave it any softer but there is no point in making it any harder because it could crack.”

“By the way, the first time I visited CEJN’s factory, I was astonished because there were 20–30 designers milling around. I wondered why they needed so many, considering that a coupling is a coupling and it was invented already in the 1950s. Then it dawned on me that they are constantly inventing new solutions, not just settling for improving the old ones.”

The manufacturing industry trusts CEJN’s couplings.

4. CEJN’s Security of Supply in a Class of Its Own

“CEJN still makes 80% to 90% of its quick couplings and other components at its own factory, whereas many of CEJN’s competitors have outsourced most of their production. It is also hugely important for the security of supply.”

“In the manufacturing industry, the whole year is often scheduled in advance and the intake of materials is arranged nearly by the hour. If you can’t rely on the time the products come out of the factory, lorries will be standing idly in the yard for no reason. Retailers can’t keep stocks on shelves endlessly either. With CEJN, you can trust that the chain works as a whole because CEJN’s factory is at the start of the chain.”

5. Products Are Based on Solid Know-how, Tradition and Control Over the Whole Production Chain

“Swedes are just as proud of their work as Finns, and you can see ‘Made in Sweden’ everywhere. CEJN is a family business, and the brand created by the grandfather is closely guarded. CEJN’s couplings are far from the cheapest on the market. They are about something else entirely.”

“The whole production chain at the factory is controlled all the way to the retailers, and the products are very much meant for professionals. If CEJN’s quick coupling is broken, they want to examine it in their laboratory, and the data will reveal whether it was due to a manufacturing defect or an error by the user. Almost without fail, it’s due to the user’s error.”

Interested in finding out how CEJN’s quick couplings can make your processes more reliable and enhance your business? Please contact us at +358107781400 or