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Series 417

  • Adapted to home and garden use
  • High-flow capacity
  • Large range of connections


The straight-through, valveless design of Series 417 couplings makes them ideal for garden and other low-pressure applications in which there is no need for valved-style couplings. Two hands are needed to connect Series 417 couplings, which are connectable to Series 411 nippels.

More tools are featured in tool catalog.

Technical data:

CouplingsPart No.ConnectionSealLengthDiameterHexagon
Hose connection10 417 000513.0 mm (1/2″)NBR4524
10 417 000616.0 mm (5/8″)NBR46.525
10 417 000719.0 mm (3/4″)NBR4725
Male thread10 417 0255G 1/2″NBR3025
10 417 0257G 3/4″NBR2925
Female thread10 417 0205G 1/2″NBR32.527.724
10 417 0207G 3/4″NBR343230
Nipples without valvePart No.ConnectionSealLengthDiameterHexagon
Hose connection10 411 500410.0 mm (3/8″)46.517
10 411 500513.0 mm (1/2″)4617
10 411 500616.0 mm (5/8″)48.521
10 411 500719.0 mm (3/4″)4925
Male thread10 411 5255G 1/2″3725.422
10 411 5257G 3/4″27
Female thread10 411 5204G 3/8″NBR34.524.321
10 411 5205G 1/2″NBR34.527.724
10 411 5207G 3/4″NBR353230
Nipples with valvePart No.ConnectionSealLengthDiameterHexagon
Hose connection10 411 700513.0 mm (1/2″)EPDM6423
Male thread10 411 7255G 1/2″EPDM3725.422